XCommnet Ltd.

Contact person: Mr. D. Scott
Correspondence: English

Address: 28 Bedford Road
N15 4HA London Great Britain
Phone: +44 20 37 73 55 07
Web: http://www.xcommnet.com

You should be able to access a high-speed internet connection no matter where you are. XCommNet's internet solutions let you do exactly that. The technology is complex, but the idea is simple: we take all the available internet connections and combine them to create the fastest and reliable connection possible.

Whether you are at a trade show or aboard your private yacht; there's an XCommNet solution to get you online and up to speed. The applications are endless; from emergency vehicles to construction sites, mobile offices to live video streaming, and many more

International commercial marine exhibition and forum
11/06/2024 - 13/06/2024
Location Port of Southampton
Great Britain