
Contact person: Ms. Pippa Miln, Lynne Rees
Correspondence: English

Address: (3 Quarry Hill Cottages), Manley Lane, Manley
WA6 9HY Frodsham Great Britain
Phone: +44 7900 93 60 85
Web: http://www.wannabees.co.uk

Many of you will relate to our story, two mums eager to return to work but also keen to be there for the kids, juggling part time work and knowing we have so much more to offer. Many a conversation had over a glass of wine or a cuppa about ideas to launch our own business. And then a year ago, sat in our local café we had that light bulb moment. The moment where we realised we finally had an idea that we believed in enough to invest time and energy in making it real. We had an idea that we believed in because we knew it was something our kids would love. And from that moment as the product has developed our enthusiasm has grown and our passion for the product. Both of us have come from Corporate backgrounds and both of us are marketeers, so this should be the easy bit from here! We are also best friends which has made our journey fun along the way.

As parents, we are now so used to our children playing on a variety of electronic platforms that we felt they were missing the enjoyment that was to be had from stripping things back to basics and simply using their imagination. All of us can relate to our younger years when we used to spend many a happy hour just "pretending" and it was those happy memories that inspired us to create a toy that encourages 'playing for real'. Our Wannabee range provides everything children need to "pretend" to be the profession of their choice. They contain forms, stickers and certificates that children will need to feel like they truly are 'playing for real'. Our range is constantly growing and we have plans to roll out further fun and exciting professions so hopefully there will be something for every child to choose from!

Children's role play toys

International toy exhibition
23/01/2024 - 25/01/2024
Location Olympia Exhibition Centre
Great Britain