Valuechain Technology Ltd

Contact person: Sr. Jim Walters
Correspondence: English
Yearly Turnover: € 1.1 M
Foundation: 2011
Operation Level: International

Address: The Innovation Centre, Sci-Tech, Daresbury, Keckwick Lane
WA4 4FS Warrington Great Britain
Phone: +44 3301 20 00 50


Our smart software solutions provide value to all organisations working in the manufacturing sector, from small subcontractors to large primes and cluster associations.

Software Benefits

Valuechain increases productivity, promotes collaboration and builds intelligence to drive sustainable improvements and growth. Our solutions are always secure and reliable and our team of manufacturing experts are always keen to support you.

Our Company

Valuechain enables manufacturing companies to compete as world class supply chains. We provide smart manufacturing software that helps organisations to improve productivity, streamline collaboration and generate intelligence.

Computer software provider.

International subcontracting exhibition
07/06/2023 - 08/06/2023
Location NEC National Exhibition Centre
Great Britain