Traditional Norfolk Poultry

Correspondence: English

Address: Traditional Norfolk Poultry, Hargham Road
NR17 1DS Shropham Great Britain
Phone: +44 1953 49 84 34
Fax: +44 1953 49 89 62

Today, Traditional Norfolk Poultry is one of the UK’s leading producers of free range and organic chickens and turkeys – which is a far cry from the small sideline business started by Mark Gorton (pictured right) and David Garner more than thirty years ago.

At that time, both men had noticed a growing demand for free range poultry from consumers unhappy with the suffering, inferior taste and poor quality of intensively reared poultry.

Starting with just 12 Christmas turkeys grown on a traditional free range, corn fed system, their tiny operation was an immediate success.

In fact, it was not long before TNP – as it soon became known – had also started growing free range chickens and organic chickens.

Over the years the business has continued to expand, so that today major retailers, world famous restaurants and other blue chip firms are among its impressive list of customers.

Yet TNP remains as true to its roots now as when it was founded – with the emphasis still firmly on producing free range chickens and turkeys, and organic free range chickens and turkeys, to the highest possible welfare standard

International cereal and crop exhibititon
11/06/2024 - 12/06/2024
Location Boothby Graffoe
Great Britain