SMS Group GmbH / SMS Meer Ltda

Contact person: Mr. Thomas Schanz
Correspondence: English, Deutsch, Portugues
Yearly Turnover: 80 Mio R$
Foundation: 1978/2009
Operation Level: International

Address: Al Rio Negro, 1030 Conj 803
06454-000 Barueri - SP Brazil
Phone: +55 11 4191 8181
Fax: +55 11 4191 8177

Efficient solutions for plants, machinery, and services from one source

- Turnkey: SMS group specializes in turnkey plants
SMS group builds turnkey solutions based on innovative plant technology, complete with buildings and infrastructure, tailor-made logistics, and all the auxiliary equipment you need to succeed. This all by dealing with just one partner and getting solutions from a single source. That's a sound basis for the results you want!

- Ecoplants: Acting economically, growing sustainably
Today, achieving sustainability alongside economic growth is a major global challenge. Particularly in the metals industry with its comparatively high potential for saving energy, this issue is more crucial than ever. We recognized a long time ago how vital green technology is. That?s why we created our Ecoplants brand.

- Modernizations: Old plants become fit for the future
In times of ever-shorter innovation cycles and ever-faster changing markets, it is important to have a reliable partner at one's side. By upgrading older plants, the SMS group ensures that its customers remain successful and competitive market players over decades.

Steel Making Equipment

International pipe industry exhibition
29/10/2025 - 31/10/2025
Location Centro de Exposicoes Imigrantes
Sao Paulo