Plan-B Music

Contact person: Sra. Estefania Serrano
Correspondence: Español, English
Foundation: 2010
Operation Level: Regional, International, National

Address: Plan-B Music, (Arlaban 7, Office 62)
28014 Madrid Spain
Phone: +34 911 15 19 39

Rocio Marquez
"Maybe the most valued young talent in flamenco nowadays. El Pais Rocío Márquez has everything she needs to be a success. A voice on the verge of prodigy, a career in the flamenco scene, built step by step, and a solid education that granted her in 2008 one of the biggest prizes in flamenco, the Lámpara Minera. But MÁRQUEZ has also played in some of the most emblematic international stages: Madrid's Teatro Real de Madrid, Barcelona's Palau de lo Música, Sevilla's Bienal de Flamenco, New York's Joe's Pub, London's Shakespeare's Globe or one of the most important independent festivals in Europe, Primavera Sound.

Rosalía & Raül Refree "Los Angeles"
Rosalía & Raül both have names starting with a capital R. And a common friend who made the connection. Since that moment, they haven't stopped thinking of projects they could share, some of them impossible, and this one that starts here. The duo survives on the flamenco tightrope, where tradition meets experimentation and muster the courage of those who are unaware to make some misdeeds out of the purists limitations. This is flamenco but also the opposite. It is experimentation and the contrary too. It is unplugged noisy folklore and emotional hubbub with their feet on the ground.

Booking, management, production, communication

International music exhibition
23/10/2024 - 27/10/2024
A Coruna (changing)