Patrizia Terranova Illustration

Contact person: Ms. Patrizia Terranova
Correspondence: English
Operation Level: International

Address: 29 Tresise St.
WA 6020 Carine Australia
Phone: +61 448 04 48 98

Born in Toronto, Canada, our family moved to the majestic city of Rome when I was six. Surrounded by history, beauty and art (lots of art), my passion for creativity was only beginning and one of my favourite outings was to visit dad at work at one of Rome’s finest furniture stores catering for movies stars and the like.This is where I began appreciating art, culture and glamour! I was surrounded by beautiful interiors, homewares and art- heaven! I also witnessed dad’s entrepreneurial spirit as he catered for Rome’s artistic community.

Before moving (again) to Perth, Western Australia, a family friend gave me a beautiful birthday gift, not a doll or a Barbie, but a large hard-cover book named: First Encounter with Art (Primo Incontro con L’Arte). An unlikely gift for a little girl.“ We know one day you will do something great with art!” was the message. I didn’t quite understand it at the time, but I was somehow honored and proud to receive the book. Something resonated with the experience.Drawing was, and still is my passion.

Artist and Illustrator Creating Beautiful, Uplifting Fine Art Prints and Homewares

National trade fair for gift articles and household goods
17/02/2024 - 20/02/2024
Location Sydney Exhibition Centre @ Glebe Island