CIG Pannonia Elso Magyar Altalanos Biztosito Zrt.

Correspondence: English, Italiano
Operation Level: International

Address: Florian Ter 1
1033 Budapest Hungary
Phone: +36 1 510 02 00

When the Company was founded, the major players of the domestic insurance market were multinational companies. There was a clear need for an insurance company founded in Hungary and run by Hungarian management.

The Company was founded on 26 October 2007 by well-known and acknowledged public figures and insurance experts from Hungary; its original name was CIG Central European Insurance Company Ltd (CIG Közép-Európai Biztosító Zrt.). Former Minister of Finance and chairman of the central bank Zsigmond Járai was appointed to chair the Supervisory Board, which represents the owners. Béla Horváth, former top executive of various Hungarian insurance companies, was appointed as the Chairman of the Board of Directors. The position of the CEO has been filled by dr. Ottó Csurgó since 18 April 2012, who is also the CEO of CIG Pannónia First Hungarian General Insurance Plc.

ENADA ROMA is not staged anymore
International amusement and gaming show
08/10/2019 - 10/10/2019
Location Fiera di Roma