NHS Blood And Transplant, Tissue and Eye Services

Correspondence: English
Operation Level: National

Address: 14 Estuary Banks
L24 8RB Speke, Liverpool Great Britain
Phone: +44 0845 607 6820
Web: https://www.nhsbt.nhs.uk

Tissue and Eye Services is part of NHS Blood and Transplant. Our role is to co-ordinate, recover, process, bank and supply human tissue grafts for use in surgery within the NHS and independent UK hospitals. As part of the NHS we operate as a not-for-profit organisation, with patient safety our core principle.

Tissue and Eye services is an NHS not-for-profit services, offering a wide range of human tissue for grafting and transplatation.

The British Orthopaedic Association congress
19/09/2023 - 22/09/2023
Location ICC International Convention Centre
Birmingham (changing)
Great Britain