Contact person: Eric Alhanko
Correspondence: English
Foundation: 2014
Operation Level: International

Address: Box 3161
103 63 Stockholm Sweden
Phone: +46 73 317 27 24

“We want all asthmatics to be able to live their lives free from symptoms!” AsthmaTuner is CE marked and follows strict quality and safety requirements. Clinical studies show that AsthmaTuner improved asthma control and lowers costs for the healthcare system

10% of the world’s population has asthma. Despite treatment guidelines and medications, many still suffer from symptoms. Existing treatment methods and processes are time consuming and inefficient for both patients and healthcare providers.

We want to create modern research-based tools that make life easier for healthcare providers and help asthmatics live symptom-free lives.

Digital disease management within repiratory diseases

National exhibition of patient care and patient services
14/05/2024 - 16/05/2024
Location Svenska Massan