Mazzoni LB Soap - Desmet Ballestra S.p.A.

Correspondence: Italiano, English
Yearly Turnover: E 35 ML
Import: 10
Export: 98
Foundation: 1946
Operation Level: International, National

Address: Corso Sempione 212 bis
21052 Busto Arsizio Italy
Phone: +39 0331 35 61 11
Fax: +39 0331 68 45 11

Based on Belgium’s De Smet know-how as the world specialist in oilseed and edible oil processing plants, Desmet Ballestra delivers tailor-made engineering and procurement services covering each step of the industry, from oilseed preparation and extraction to oil processing plants including refining and fat modification processes.

Desmet Ballestra masters the processing of 40 raw materials, of which soybeans, palm oil, sunflower seed, rapeseed, groundnuts, and cottonseed are probably the most popular. The group has supplied small and large plants to some 1,700 oil millers in 150 countries, covering over 8,000 process sections.

Leading edge Oils & Fats Research & Development and privileged customer relationship are the key assets of Desmet Ballestra which is able to provide to the customers the best technologies through an international network of companies.

The Desmet Ballestra Group is the world leader in developing, engineering and supplying technologies, processing plants and proprietary equipment for the following business areas:

Food & Feed
-Oils & Fats
-Rosedowns Pressing
-Stolz Animal Feed & Agro Food

Chemicals for Life -Oleochemicals & Biodiesel
-Detergents, Surfactants & Chemicals
-Mazzoni LB Soap

Leader in the design and supply of plants and machines for the production of soap and glycerine

International food and beverage processing exhibition
05/11/2024 - 07/11/2024
Location DWTC Dubai World Trade Center
United Arab Emirates
International fair of packaging machines
07/05/2026 - 13/05/2026
Location Messe Duesseldorf