Maham Technics Ltd.

Contact person: Mr. Erez Tevet
Correspondence: English
Import: 100
Operation Level: Regional

Address: 15 Hamelaha St., (Industrial Zone Poleg)
42505 Netanya Israel
Phone: +972 9 885 50 08
Fax: +972 9 885 50 66

Maham Technics ltd a company who was founded in 1979 by Hanoch Tevet and Moiz Eskenazi - serving also as directors and managers.
The company is located in the industrial zone poleg, Netanya in a 1400 SQ meters building own by the company.

Maham deals in the importing- marketing- and sales- servicing pneumatic and electric tools , fasteners and fastening systems

A list of 40 different suppliers worldwide, most of them with a solo distribution agreement and leaders in their fields providing maham needs such as:

- Desoutter
- Chicago pneumatics
- Bea
- Fasco
- Trumpf
- Lamello
- Lobtex
- Trusty

Importing Pneumatic Tools

TIMBER postponed
International exhibition for the wood and furniture industry
19/11/2019 - 21/11/2019
Location Tel-Aviv Fairgrounds