Gospodarstwo Ogrodnicze Aleksandra Kusibab-Wyka

Correspondence: English, Deutsch

Address: Prandocin Ily 88a
32-090 Slomniki Poland
Phone: +48 12 385 79 44
Web: http://www.kusibab-wyka.pl

Our Nursery was established in 2007. Currently, our area with the infrastructure is just over 10 hectares. Much has changed during these 10 years. We increased the space it occupies and the scale of production.

We worked on gaining new markets and changed the selection of our species and varieties, in line with the expectations of our customers. All this has led to gaining, and then consolidating our market position as one of the leading manufacturers of seedlings.

All our plants are micropropagated rootings, and the starting material is deriveled from a laboratory of tissue culture of the Tadeusz Kusibab Horticulture Farm. This gives us confidence our propagated plants are free of viruses and checked for compliance varietal.

International plants trade fair
23/01/2024 - 26/01/2024
Location Messe Essen