Krause Innowacje W Budownictwie Sylwia Krause

Contact person: Ms Sabina Gielnik
Correspondence: English
Operation Level: International

Address: Ul. Wiejska 16
49-120 Narok Poland
Phone: +48 77 42 74 610
Fax: +48 77 42 74 612

The company KRAUSE was established in 2005 in Narok near Opole. At the beginning, its activity was mainly concentrated on manufacture and sale of furniture. With time, the company extended its business to include the production and sale of interior design elements, kitchen worktops and bathroom countertops, made from innovative Solid Surface material. We have delivered hundreds of projects, both to individual customers and enterprises, as well as public utility investments, both in the country and abroad.

International trade fair of transport technology
24/09/2024 - 27/09/2024
Location Messe Berlin