Kaz Type Limited

Contact person: Keene Braganza
Correspondence: English
Yearly Turnover: L 100K
Export: 40
Foundation: 2015
Operation Level: International

Address: Kaz Type, Village Farm, Village Street, Offchurch
CV33 9AP Royal, Leamington Spa Great Britain
Phone: +44 1926 42 34 24
Web: http://www.kaz-type.com

KAZ typing tutor was developed with backing from Private Equity firm 3i and because of this association, the method was trialled and tested by 18000+ students per year for 3 years, in 300 private training centres across the UK. Only when extraordinary results for learning typing skills were proven (93% of learners typing the a-z keys in just 90 minutes), was it released to the market.

Used by the UK's learndirect, Government departments, Learning providers, thousands of Schools, Businesses and Individuals worldwide.

Typing software

International educational technology show
22/01/2025 - 25/01/2025
Location ExCeL London
Great Britain