
Contact person: Gabriel Gwiazdon
Correspondence: English
Export: 100
Operation Level: International

Address: Lwowska 94
37-700 Przemysl Poland
Phone: +48 604 29 37 09
Web: https://sorbos.pl

The company was founded in 1993. The main are of our activity is promotion of footwear and clothing of European manufacturers and the sale of their products on the Ukrainian market and the countries of the former Eastern Bloc.

The history of the brand begins in 1979 with Bob Gamm, the American company founder. He is the inventor of the "ORIGINAL SHOES WITH POCKETS". The architect and passionate runner was one of the first jogging fans and spends a lot of time with it. So much time that even the annoying "where to put my key" question doesn't let go of him. During one of his daily 10-kilometer workouts, he finds the solution: running shoes with an integrated pocket. Bob named his shoes "KangaROOS": the kangaroo is a fast runner, it never moves backwards and it has a 'bag' - the original KangaROOS pocket.

We have a well-established position, cooperating with a network of several hundred contractors on the territory of Ukraine.
Thanks to our effort, by being an exclusive distributor for over 25 years, the Badura brand is now recognizable and considered prestigious within Ukraine. We also co-create with Badura S.A. an online store badura.ua.
We form the KangaROOS sports footwear sales network.

International fair of footwear and leatherware
23/08/2024 - 25/08/2024
Location Veletrhy Brno
Czech Republic