Correspondence: English

Address: 33 Whitton Street
NSW 2780 Katoomba Australia
Phone: +61 2 4782 9770
Web: http://www.ikou.com.au

"Our journey began in a flower petal bath in Ubud, Bali, a moment that touched our lives forever and inspired us to create a brand that encourages daily rituals to bring the holiday feel into everyday life... moments to rest, relax, restore."

"We had just enjoyed a beautiful outdoor Spa treatment, that finished in a flower-filled bath overlooking the Campuan Gorge. We said to each other: 'Why is it that on holidays we do all these beautiful things, but when we get home we feel we don't have the time?' We decided from that day on, we would make time to create conscious moments of rest and relaxation in our everyday life? lighting a beautiful candle, taking a hot bath, or even just sipping on an uplifting herbal tea. These seemingly small things have the power to make such a big difference to your outlook on life, and we wanted to inspire others to do the same."

Self titled "matching jig-saw pieces", their joint skills have resulted in a brand that reflects all of their passions.

Both keen travellers, their Global experiences have influenced the brand's culture in many ways. Paul and Naomi's travels created an awareness of the impact that business has on the environment, people and animals.

This prompted them to hand-make their own product, so that manufacture would fit iKOU's philosophy, and that they would know exactly what ingredients were utilised. They researched ethical options for production, purchasing of ingredients for their products, as well as fair trade and supporting charity groups.

"We spent six months living and breathing the entire concept of iKOU, until we decided it was ready to share with the world."

International trade fair of gifts and homeware products
05/08/2023 - 09/08/2023
Location MCEC Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre

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