Hydroscand Ltd.

Correspondence: English

Address: (Unit 5 Southampton Trade Park), Third Av.
SO15 0LE Southampton Great Britain
Phone: +44 2380 78 44 46
Fax: +44 2380 78 41 45
Web: http://www.hydroscand.co.uk

In the late 60s, Hydroscand went from an exciting idea to establishing a small family business. This small company has expanded vigorously over decades and is established and well renounced in 19 countries worldwide, with more than 170 branches.

Chairman and Founder Björn Holmström opening the new Redruth Branch in 2008.Hydroscand was first established in Stockholm on the 19 September 1969. The company experienced growth and within two years of existence, headquarters had to be moved to a bigger premises. After shifting our premises 5 times in the span of 40 years, we have finally settled down in our current headquarters in Sköndal, near Stockholm.

The foundation of the first branch in Sweden was laid in the mid-seventies and in the beginning of the 80s we witnessed an outstanding growth in our business. Today, Hydroscand Sweden alone has expanded to over 50 branches, spread all over the country.

We are proud to announce that we have advanced to 12 lucrative branches in the UK. This is just the beginning of our journey and we are looking forward to expanding our business and catering our values customers all across the UK.

International commercial marine exhibition and forum
11/06/2024 - 13/06/2024
Location Port of Southampton
Great Britain