Hvide Sande Service Group

Correspondence: English
Operation Level: National

Address: Fossanaesvej 22
6960 Hvide Sande Denmark
Phone: +45 20 20 79 77
Web: http://www.hssg.dk

Hvide Sande Services Group (HSSG) is an association formed by companies and associations from in and around Hvide Sande and Hvide Sande's Harbour. Hvide Sande Service Group offers great flexibility and good service.

Hvide Sande Service Group works in four different categories. The categories are:
- Transport
- Offshore
- Fishing
- Tourism

Hvide Sande Harbour is a modern port, which offers all the facilities and services any ship could need. Hvide Sande Harbour was built in connection with drainage sluice and tide lock. The streamimg watter that passes the sluice gives Hvide Sande's Harbour an advantage. The harbor is ice-free and therefore permits passage throughout the year.