Heart in their Hand Project Ltd

Contact person: Cathy Milburn
Correspondence: English
Yearly Turnover: £ 40,000
Foundation: 2016
Operation Level: International

Address: (24 Rochford Close), Grange Park
SN5 6AB Swindon, Wiltshire Great Britain
Phone: +44 7387 66 90 36
Web: http://www.heartintheirhand.co.uk

A special gift for bereaved families

The little heart can be placed in a loved one's hand when saying goodbye.
The keyring goes home with the family, creating a tangible connection that lasts


In April 2016 I launched the ‘Heart in their Hand Project’ as a way for parents to be able to offer a gift of comfort and connection to other bereaved parents, at a time they need it most, having gone through the devastation themselves. Within a very short space of time various baby loss charities fell in love with the hearts and wanted to order them for memory boxes and all of a sudden the project was reaching a huge amount of hospitals and parents!

Very quickly I felt an overwhelming sense of ‘this is what I’m meant to be doing’ and to be able to provide hearts to families to help them feel that physical and tangible connection to their baby is just precious.

I now provide the hearts to over 50 hospitals and charities and it is my goal to get them into every maternity unit in the UK so that every family can feel the tangible connection as they say goodbye. The collection has quickly grown into offering hearts for children, adults and pet loss as they say goodbye and I hope they provide even a tiny bit of comfort.

Running the HITH project is an absolute labour of love! It warms my heart and breaks it all at the same time as I think about the families using them. But I feel it’s an absolute honour to be able to provide them for these precious babies and hope to reach as many families as possible.

Special two part gifts to be shared with a baby or loved one when saying goodbye, creating a beautiful tangible connection.

National funeral exhibition
13/06/2024 - 15/06/2024
Location Stoneleigh Park
Great Britain