Harboe Bryggeri A/S

Correspondence: English, Deutsch

Address: Spegerborgvej 34
4230 Skaelskor Denmark
Phone: +45 58 168 888
Fax: +45 58 168 880
Web: http://www.harboes-bryggeri.dk

We are an international beverage group with production facilities in 3 countries and business activities in more than 90 markets worldwide.

Harboe is a Danish company with a strong, international platform. We produce and market beverages and malt-based ingredients, and our business is based on strong values created by 5 generations who have built and managed this family-owned business. Our results are coming from intensive focus on quality, innovation and a more efficient use of ressoures and technology.

The quality of our products and the value of our brands will drive the continued creation of value in Harboe. We focus on realising this potential through massive international sales efforts and the positioning of our business.

International exhibition for food ingredients, product-development and quality control
19/11/2024 - 21/11/2024
Location Messe Frankfurt
Frankfurt/Main (changing)