Greenaway Marine Ltd.

Correspondence: English
Import: 2
Export: 20
Foundation: 1970

Address: (17-19 Bassett Down Workshop), Bassett Down
SN4 9QP Swindon Great Britain
Phone: +44 1793 814 992

The easiest method of videoing underwater or above or even half-in and half-out in perfect focus is with this optic. Underwater it gives the same wide angle videoing as it does above water, not like flat ports that due to water refraction cut the angle down by around 25%.

Just set the camera on autofocus and everything in the picture will be in focus from infinity up to 1cm away from the lens. No hunting with the camera to find a point of focus as happens in many underwater shots. You will also get a vast depth of focus throughout the picture.

The port is manufacturered with an internal curvature to suit the focal length of the lens in use.

The camera is mounted on its tray in the housing in the best optical position.

The Optolite Port is flat on the outside making it less vulnerable to damage. Many other ports such as domes are very easy to scratch and damage.

Manufacturers of deep underwater survey + research equipment.

International commercial marine exhibition and forum
11/06/2024 - 13/06/2024
Location Port of Southampton
Great Britain