Global Kinetics Corporation

Contact person: Ms. Sasicia Chesterman
Correspondence: English
Foundation: July 2007
Operation Level: International

Address: (Level 15), 440 Collins St.
VIC 3000 Melbourne Australia
Phone: +61 1300 754 000

Global Kinetics Corporation with researchers from the Florey Neuroscience Institute, presents the Parkinson's KinetiGraph™ (PKG™) movement recording. The PKG™ Data Logger is a wrist worn device, that looks like a wristwatch, that automatically records movement data to assist Doctors in their diagnosis and treatment of the symptoms of movement disorders, such as Parkinson's Disease.

There is a broad range of movement disorders, with Parkinson's Disease being the most prevalent. Globally, there are over 6 million people who have Parkinson's Disease. 10% of people who are diagnosed with Parkinson's Disease are younger than 50 years.

Parkinson's Disease is a progressive disorder of the frontal lobe of the brain, the part of the brain that controls impulsive and non-impulsive movement. People with Parkinson's have less dopamine, a chemical 'messenger' in the brain that sends messages to the body on how control movement.

The main motor (or movement) related symptoms of Parkinson's Disease are are bradykinesia, rigidity, tremors, postural instability. Other non-movement symptoms may be experienced such as speech and swallowing difficulties, cognitive impairment or behavioural change and sleep disturbance.

International congress of Parkinson’s disease and movement disorders
27/08/2023 - 31/08/2023
Location Bella Center, Copenhagen Congress Center
Kobenhavn (changing)