FCN Tecnologia

Correspondence: English, Portugues

Address: Rua Antonio Frederico Ozanan, 2293, Higienópolis
13417-160 Piracicaba - SP Brazil
Phone: +55 19 981 590 609
Web: http://www.fcntecnologia.com.br

100% national company, we strongly believe in our permanently open communication channel with costumers, in the pursuit of new and adequate technologies to the sugarcane field. Our mainstream is to work with the creation of innovative equipment and new technologies, that reflects on savings, and production optimization, and cutting accuracy, and sugarcane rows densification.

Surf in the website to get to know our products.

FENASUCRO in conjunction with AGROCANA
International sugar and alcohol industry fair
15/08/2023 - 18/08/2023
Location Centro Empresarial Zanini