Expert Technology

Correspondence: English
Yearly Turnover: 61122
Import: 100
Operation Level: National

Address: (Cotswold House), Groundwell
SN25 5AW Groundwell Great Britain
Phone: +44 0344 482 6041

Expert Verdict gives you the real reasons for what to buy and why.

Founded by the same team that brought you the much-loved Innovations Catalogue, Expert Verdict ensures every product has the seal of approval from our skilful team of buyers, experts and consumer reviewers.

Our buyers research the latest products and travel the world to bring you the best new and innovative ideas. Our range includes Kitchen Gadgets, Home Maintenance and Security, Home Entertainment, Electronics, Technology, Health and Beauty and much, much more. Every product we recommend endures a series of tests for design, quality, performance and value, to make sure it's the best of its kind on the market.

We also feature as much independent product evaluation and comment as possible to provide the perfect retail experience from the comfort of your home and, because we've done the background research, we've saved you the endless hours of searching for what you're trying to find and ensure you get the best product at the right price.

Direct Retailer

International consumer electronics and home appliancec trade fair
01/09/2023 - 05/09/2023
Location Messe Berlin
International exhibition for computer and communication technology
14/10/2024 - 18/10/2024
Location DWTC Dubai World Trade Center
United Arab Emirates