Espresse SA

Correspondence: English

Address: 9, Adrianeiou Str.
115 25 Neo Psychico Greece
Phone: +30 210 672 26 15

Since the date of its establishment, Espresse S.A. has focused on the quality of the products that represents, with passion, ethos and credibility.
Its main priority is the distribution of high quality products, as well as to provide specialized services of technical support and training in order to fully cover all customer needs and requirements during the cooperation.

Espresse S.A. has a leading position in the Greek espresso coffee market, classified the Espresso Portioli among the first places as far as the premium brands is concerned, due its unique characteristics (smooth, creamy with a different aroma and delicate flavor).

Its main purpose is to maintain its leading position in the Greek coffee market, enriching its range of products and maintaining in high level its quality characteristics.

International fair of gastronomy, public dining, snack, coffee and catering
09/02/2024 - 12/02/2024
Location Metropolitan Expo Exhibition Centre