Contact person: Cedric Dauphin
Correspondence: English
Operation Level: International

Address: Blancefloerlaan 179 A
2050 Anvers Belgium
Phone: +32 3 222 38 00
Web: http://www.ds-n.com

DSN Artwork Prepress is a global provider of tailor-made processes in the artwork and prepress industry with more than 100 years of experience. DSN is part of a network of companies, forming a reliable and high-quality pool of operational resources with expertise in a broad range of sectors.

Our Group, Brand Quadergy is a global player specialized in brand asset management. We provide clients throughout the world with a comprehensive range of innovative brand fulfilment services that cover all marketing touch points and add value to brands.

We offer services and online solutions that simplify workflow, tracking, collaboration, production and approval processes while ensuring dependable, high-quality results. We add value to your business by improving operational efficiency, reduce costs, and provide support for digital asset management and flawless execution.

Our international team consists of experts with profound knowledge and many years of experience and can help you execute a first-class brand roll-out throughout several continents ensuring harmonization across various print techniques and substrates.

Design, Artwork & Prepress

SIRHA MADE formerly MDD EXPO is not staged anymore
International private label food exhibition
08/09/2020 - 09/09/2020
Location Paris expo Porte de Versailles