De Stilte

Contact person: Mr. Jan Baanstra
Correspondence: English, Français

Address: (Po. Box 7211)
4800 GE Breda Netherlands
Phone: +31 76 513 81 25

De Stilte is the only professional dance company in the Southern region of The Netherlands, that focuses entirely on developing productions and performing for children. Under artistic director Jack Timmermans, the company targets top quality, based not on artiness but on art as its source of inspiration. In 2013 a recordnumber of 75.500 people viewed a performance of de Stilte.

On a yearly basis De Stilte's educational activities (i.e. workshops, introductions and lessons) add up to 500. The year 2001 proved to be pivotal, when both the City council of Breda and the Province council of Noord-Brabant translated De Stilte's importance to the region into structural subsidies. January 2009 De Stilte (being the only newcomer in the field of performing arts) was admitted to the Basic Infrastructure of the Dutch Ministry of Culture, Education and Science, guaranteeing structural funding for a four year period.

Dance Company

International dance exhibition
28/08/2024 - 31/08/2024
Location throughout the city