ChannelEngine Anz Pty. Ltd.

Contact person: Martin Cerantonio
Correspondence: English, Deutsch, Italiano

Address: Level 19, 15 William Street
VIC 3000 Melbourne Australia
Phone: +61 4 0830 1515

We help stores, brands and distributors find millions of new customers by connecting them to the biggest marketplaces. It's the most complete, one-stop solution to do more with marketplaces.

Our tool ensures product information and stock levels are synchronized and up to date across marketplaces, while orders are pushed back to your own systems. We'll fully integrate your store, WMS, ERP or PIM with the most important local and major marketplaces, click & ad channels, and product feeds. And we're rapidly expanding and including more territories that will help you sell more and grow internationally.

Our 15+ years of e-commerce experience helped us build the most complete marketplace management suite and now, ten years later, we facilitate the sale of over 6 million products from 8,100 brands on 200+ marketplaces.

National conference and exhibtion of e-commerce and digital marketing
24/07/2024 - 25/07/2024
Location ICC SYDNEY - International Convention Centre Sydney