Catch (Isle Of Wight Ltd.)

Contact person: Ms. Nicky Cantello
Correspondence: English
Operation Level: Regional

Address: (Ower Barns Courtyard,) Calshot Road, Fawley
SO45 1BE Fawley Great Britain
Phone: +44 23 8214 9900

Passionate about supporting our fishing industry and doing our bit to protect fish stocks, Catch set about giving customers excellent food, whilst supporting local fish markets.

At the beginning of 2012 Catch began manufacturing fishcakes, crab cakes, crab bisque and many other fish delicacies for the retail and restaurant trade, under our Catch label, supporting local fishing.

Now sourcing sustainable fish from along the South Coast, Catch is a regular favourite at farmers markets across Hampshire, and supplies wholesale to restaurant and shops across the region.

Always conscious of producing the finest handmade produce possible, Catch won a Great Taste Award in 2013 for its Proper Posh Crab Bisque and scooped another in 2014 for its fishcake 'The Colonial'.

Makers of Award Winning Fishcakes & Fabulous Fishy Products

International food exhibition
11/09/2023 - 12/09/2023
Location Olympia Exhibition Centre
Great Britain