Candym - Canfloyd

Correspondence: English

Address: 49 Riviera Drive
ON L3R 5J6 Markham Canada
Phone: +1 905 474 1555
Fax: +1 905 474 0960

Candym Enterprises Limited has a history of excellence as a Canadian giftware, home decor and seasonal distributor.

Canadian owned and operated, Candym came together in 1974 when the original founders saw a niche for retail ear piercing as the beauty trend began to blossom in the 1970’s. It wasn’t long before their customers were in search of the latest fashion earrings and they saw another opportunity in supplying that need.

Candym (short for Canadian Dynamics) was born when they sealed a deal with 1928 Jewellery to be their exclusive Canadian distributor. Over the course of the years, a winning business formula evolved. Candym/ Canfloyd has played the role of Canadian distributor for many leading American brands. We also represent Australian mega line Maxwell & Williams and made in France, Cristal D’Arques. Our distribution mix pairs perfectly with our proprietary “seasonal, stationery, textile and decor” brands making Candym/Canfloyd a one stop shop for all things Gift and Home. We import product from all over the world and proudly manufacture and design soft goods that are made in Canada under our 95 & Co brand.

National gift and tableware trade fair
28/01/2024 - 01/02/2024
Location International Centre / TCC Toronto Congress Centre