Biteriot! & Topfruit

Contact person: Ms. Fiona Hall
Correspondence: English
Operation Level: International

Address: 474, Canobolas Road
NSW 2800 Orange Australia
Phone: +61 2 6365 3477
Fax: +61 2 6365 3305

The Hall family have been growing world-class produce in the rich volcanic soils at the foot of Mt Canobolas for over 40 years. Their companies Bonny Glen Fruits and Caernarvon Cherries in Orange NSW were the leaders in creating an overarching brand for other premium producers in the area to join. Together they market some of Australia’s best apples and cherries which can now be found in supermarkets all over the world.

Apples are harvested from February to May. We handpick several varieties including Red Delicious, Fuji, Pink Ladies, Cameo, Royal Galas, Crimson Snow, Early Fuji and Sundowners. The trees are grown on rootstocks bud 9 to 106.

Cherries are harvested from early to mid-December and peak during the Christmas period, finishing off in early to mid-January. Varieties include Rons, Vans, Bing, Stella, Supreme, Lapins and Sunburst. Our cherries are plump and crispy with bright green stems, picked at peak time to guarantee a crisp and sweet cherry.

- Apple & cherry orchard based in Orange NSW Australia.
- Cherry Juice Producer

International trade fair for fruit and vegetable marketing
04/09/2024 - 06/09/2024
Location AsiaWorld-Expo
Hong Kong (changing)
Hong Kong