BCM Ships

Contact person: Mr. Alain Bilodeau
Correspondence: English, Français
Operation Level: National

Address: 849 Second Division Rd (RR 1)
NS B0W 2L0 Meteghan River Canada
Phone: +1 902 778 1141
Web: http://www.bcmships.ca

Alain's mission is a simple one: to create living memories with top quality models built with remarkable detail to capture its originality. Whether it be a tall ship, fishing vessel, cruise liner or any other form of naval transportation, Alain enjoys the challenge and diversity of building different types of models.

In order to capture all of the ship's features, he uses quality materials and follows the original blueprints. Furthermore, his respect for the scale never fails to amaze his clients. All models look exactly like their real counterparts. Completion time for a custom-built ship depends on the size and type of model. Photographs of the work in progress are available to clients at periodic intervals to help you follow the construction.

In addition, Al will build models from pre-purchased kits and make his own modifications such as glass-like windows that are transparent and realistic cannons that have the look and feel of the real thing. He will ensure that a model from a kit will have the best possible result.

All models may be protected in a top quality wooden frame glass display case. For any occasion, be it an anniversary, a retirement, for restoration services or simply for the pure enjoyment of owning a finely crafted model ship, contact Al for more details and keep your favorite ship's memory alive.

Building moldels ships