Asmontec Salas Limpas

Contact person: Mr. Joáo Fernando M. Meca
Correspondence: English, Portugues

Address: Rua Anésio Marciano Nº 92
13284-070 Vinhedo - SP Brazil
Phone: +55 19 3846 1161

Asmontec is known for an outstanding performance in the production and installation of clean rooms, stainless steel and aluminium special materials, constantly investing in technology and professional qualification to ensure continual growth and further innovation.

Located in Vinhedo, an strategic well developed city in the state of São Paulo, the administrative and productive departments work side by side on a 2.100 square feet structure to support the field team on providing quality service on national and international grounds.

Founded in 1996, with almost 20 years of experience and expertise in clean room businesses, Asmontec respects its customers when ensuring a consistent implementation according to each developed project, enabling a reliable path from the fabrication to the final use of its products.

We carry the sense of cleanliness in our core. We believe that being clean is operating with the highest degree of honesty and ethics in all levels of the process, providing the best products and services on time, for a fair value, with due assistance.

Asmontec, transparency beyond vision.

International exhibition of technology for the pharmaceutical industry
04/06/2024 - 06/06/2024
Location Transamérica Expo Center
Sao Paulo