Arosa Grande d.o.o.

Contact person: Mr. Ivan Dod
Correspondence: English, Deutsch

Address: Ilica 404
10000 Zagreb Croatia
Phone: +385 1 373 83 05
Fax: +385 1 373 83 05

The company Arosa Grande d.o.o. was founded in 2008 and its main activity is related to agriculture and livestock. The most prominent feature of Arosa Grande is improving and storing hay diet by preserving all necessary natural ingridients, vitamins and proteins for ruminants.

We have constructed the first Croatian tunnel for ROLLED HAY BALE AND AGRICULTURAL MACHINERY, having double arches of pipes ɸ 60mm, being 10m wide with height of 6.53m and length according to costumer needs (expressed in even numbers). The highest point of crossbeam connecting two arches is 4.5m.

Thus we have significantly contributed to the improvement of the tunnel and accordingly to the reduction of imports of the same, having achieved our marketing aim based on high quality at lower prices. Company Arosa Grande also produces storage facilities for agricultural machines, machinery and raw materials, field barns and warehouses for semi-finished wood.

Our company largely invests in development and is accepted by the profession and buyers. We are proud to say that our method gained positive costumer feedbacks and confirmation of higher milk production due to better cow appetite which is based on preserved nutrients in hay stored in our tunnels.

International fair for packing, transport and stock technology
20/08/2022 - 25/08/2022
Location Pomurski Sejem
Gornja Radgona
International agriculture and food fair
26/08/2023 - 31/08/2023
Location Pomurski Sejem
Gornja Radgona