Agulhas Honeybush Tea cc

Contact person: Ms. Mona Joubert
Correspondence: English
Operation Level: Regional, International, National

Address: (PO Box 620)
7280 Bredasdorp South Africa, Rep. of
Phone: +27 82 859 4359

Aulhas Honeybush Tea® (Cyclopia app.) is a natural product from the Fynbos Biome and snuggles nicely among the Erica, Bruneacea and other Fynbos neighbours. Very well known and loved in conservation circles worldwide, the Agulhas Plain boasts with the largest number of Fynbos species per square meter in the world.

Our introduction to the world of honeybush tea began days after we bought our farm Toekomst in 1994, when a researcher brought us a few trays of the Cyclopia family to be tested on our farm. One coastal genotype, the Table Mountain genotype, particularly caught our interest in terms of taste, way of growth, soft foliage and thin stems. This genotype of the coastal specie (Cyclopia Genistoides) has been the main focus and foundation of our tea business and forms a large percentage of research done on our premises.

This coastal variety of the honeybush family the Cyclopia Genistoides is indigenous to an area close to the coast from the West Coast to Cape St Francis on the East Coast. Thus making our climate and soil quality ideal for the cultivation of this honeybush tea specie.

Agulhas Honeybush Tea® couldn't ask for a better home with our spectacular view of the Agulhas Plain. We not only plant and harvest our tea from our farm, but it is also processed and marketed from our own facilities. Together with many sustainable farming practices, we believe in a "give before you take" motto. We plant seeds which were harvested from only our best honeybush tea plants on our farm, as part of our intensive breeding programme.

This programme lies close to our hearts as this ensures that we will never harvest, process or sell honeybush tea which originated from the wild. This breeding programme also enables us to cultivate honeybush tea plants which are naturally resistant against illnesses, deliver a larger harvesting volume, have a more desirable way of growth and contributes to the sustainability of our products. All to ensure that we deliver the best possible tea to our clients as well as have the ability to deliver on this promise in the decades to come.

At Agulhas Honeybush Tea® our tea is fermented in large stainless steel tanks at a temperature not higher than 70°C. This prevents contamination taking place and ensures the brown colour and unique flavour of our tea.

Growers, producers and exporters of pure organic honeybush tea.

International exhibition for food ingredients, product-development and quality control
19/11/2024 - 21/11/2024
Location Messe Frankfurt
Frankfurt/Main (changing)
International exhibition of ingredients for reform food, functional- and organic food
19/11/2024 - 21/11/2024
Location Messe Frankfurt
Frankfurt/Main (changing)