Absolute Jobs

Correspondence: English
Operation Level: Regional

Address: Oostendse Baan 100
8470 Gistel Belgium
Phone: +32 50 40 40 50
Web: http://www.absolutejobs.be

Absolute Jobs is temporary, selection and recruitment company specialised in filling labor market shortages in various sectors, with solid option for both domestic and foreign workers. Absolute Jobs thereby attaches great importance to meeting the needs of both clients and candidates alike.

We see technically skilled talent like a precious metal: expensive, but scarce.

As a recruitment agency, we have made it our mission to find that talent and match it to the right employer. We do that literally and metaphorically, with boundless commitment.

Absolute Jobs is a recruitment agency from Belgium, with a team that goes the extra mile. We use international offices and recruitment experts to look for suitable candidates, both locally and abroad.

Employment agency

National education and job exhibition
21/03/2024 - 21/03/2024
Location Kortrijk Xpo